Check out our featured programs and learn how it’s beneficial to you and your loved ones.
We are a patient-centered care provider that aims to deliver exceptional services to ensure that health and comfort in life are guaranteed. That is why Advanced Supportive Living shall consist of any individually designed service or assessment of the need for service, which assists each individual to:
- Live in his/her own home, with support available as often and for as long as it is needed.
- Make fundamental life decisions, while also supporting and facilitating the individual in dealing with the consequences of those decisions.
- Building critical and durable relationships with other individuals.
- Choosing where and with whom to live.
- Controlling the character and appearance of the environment within their home.
- Encourage individual participation in defining needs, making choices, and planning for the future.
- Foster the individual’s preferences in the areas of increased independence, self- confidence, self-esteem, and resourcefulness.
- Promote the development of a Person-Centered Planning approach. The Person-Centered Plan is based on hopes and dreams for the future, as well as an assessment of the person’s needs, preferences, and life choices. The Person-Centered Plan states specific objectives to develop competencies and achieve personal goals in the areas of community participation, housing, work, school, and leisure time.
If you have questions about our program highlights, please call us at 415-990-9033 for further details.